Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2021

Data Entry, Apa dan Kenapa dibutuhkan

Data entry adalah salah satu profesi yang cukup populer di Indonesia. Namun, tahukah kalian seperti apa pekerjaannya? Apa saja tanggung jawabnya?

Menurut mereka, profesi data entry meliputi banyak pekerjaan mulai dari pemrosesan data elektronik, pengetikan, pengolah kata, dan transkrip.

Sementara itu, ada yang berpendapat bahwa data entry adalah jenis pekerjaan klerikal yang melibatkan penggunaan berbagai proses seperti mengetik dan merekam suara lalu memasukkan datanya ke komputer.

Biasanya seseorang yang berperan sebagai data entry bekerja di industri seperti ritel, transportasi, keuangan, dan layanan kesehatan.

Akan tetapi, sebagian besar perusahaan sebenarnya memerlukan seorang data entry karena dianggap memiliki tugas dasar untuk menjalankan fungsi kantor sehari-hari.

Dari keterangan di atas, bisa disimpulkan bahwa data entry adalah pekerjaan untuk memasukkan data yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber ke sistem komputer milik perusahaan.

Setiap data yang dimasukkan tersebut biasanya mendetail dan bahkan ada pula yang sifatnya rahasia.

Itulah mengapa untuk menjadi seorang data entry harus memiliki integritas yang tinggi dan dapat dipercaya.

Beberapa tanggung jawab pekerjaan data entry adalah sebagai berikut.

  • Mempersiapkan dan menyortir dokumen sebelum datanya dimasukkan ke dalam komputer.
  • Memasukkan data ke dalam database milik perusahaan.
  • Memeriksa dan memastikan keakuratan data yang sudah dimasukkan ke dalam database.
  • Menyelesaikan perbedaan informasi dan data yang tidak lengkap.
  • Membuat data cadangan yang menjadi bagian dari rencana kontingensi.
  • Menanggapi permintaan informasi dari anggota yang berwenang.
  • Menguji sistem database baru dan pembaruan dari perangkat lunak.
  • Mengelola dokumen dan catatan dengan baik.
  • Menyiapkan laporan yang relevan sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
  • Menerima dan memproses invoice untuk pembayaran dan memperbarui rincian invoice.
  • Mengidentifikasi dan mengoreksi kesalahan saat memasukkan data menggunakan metode kontrol kualitas yang sesuai.

Selain beberapa tanggung jawab seperti di atas, data entry adalah profesi yang memiliki beberapa tugas lain tergantung dari kebijakan perusahaan.

Misalnya, mereka juga melakukan tugas seperti memesan bahan persediaan kantor dan mengajukan dokumen.

Terdapat dua jenis dari pekerjaan data entry seperti berikut ini:

1. Remote

Di era kemudahan internet seperti ini membuat profesi data entry bisa dilakukan secara remote.

Memang saat ini sudah cukup banyak pekerjaan freelance data entry yang bisa dijadikan pilihan untuk pekerjaan sampingan.

Menjadi seorang data entry remote juga memiliki beberapa kelebihan, antara lain: 

  • Dapat mengerjakan tugas di mana pun.
  • Dapat memilih jam kerja sendiri.
  • Gaji yang diterima bukanlah tipe upah per jam, melainkan dibayar setelah proyek selesai.
  • Memiliki kesempatan mendapatkan lebih banyak penghasilan karena bisa sekaligus bekerja di tempat lain.

Selain itu, saat menjadi data entry yang bekerja remote biasanya tidak perlu memikirkan riwayat pekerjaan yang sudah dilakukan.

Jadi, meskipun sebelumnya kamu belum pernah mencoba menjalani pekerjaan ini, tetap punya kesempatan untuk menjajal profesi tersebut.

Akan tetapi, harus dipastikan memiliki kemampuan yang dibutuhkan untuk menjalankan tugas dari profesi yang satu ini.

2. In-house

Data entry in-house adalah mereka yang bekerja full time di sebuah perusahaan. Ada beberapa kelebihan dari jenis pekerjaan ini, misalnya:

  • Mendapatkan lebih banyak penghasilan dari perusahaan.
  • Mendapatkan beberapa tunjangan seperti, kesehatan, hingga cuti.
  • Bisa memiliki keuntungan atau bonus dari performa kerja yang didasarkan pada keandalan, keakuratan, dan kecepatan kerja.

Bekerja penuh waktu di perusahaan tentunya memiliki beberapa keuntungan lainnya misalnya bisa bekerja dengan tim yang saling mendukung.

Selain itu, karyawan juga bisa mendapatkan banyak tunjangan sesuai kebijakan perusahaan.

Selain itu, berikut ini beberapa skill yang dibutuhkan:

1. Skill menggunakan komputer

Skill pertama yang harus dikuasai data entry adalah mampu menggunakan komputer dengan baik.

Memasukkan dan mengedit data tidak akan mudah dilakukan, jika tidak memiliki keterampilan dalam menggunakan komputer.  

Salah satu program yang perlu dikuasai adalah Microsoft Word untuk memasukkan data berupa teks.

Kemudian, kemampuan penggunaan Microsoft Excel juga sangat diperlukan untuk memasukkan data dalam bentuk angka.

Selain itu, ada waktunya kamu perlu mencetak dan scan dokumen sehingga wajib mengetahui cara menggunakan mesin printer dan scanner.

2. Skill berbahasa yang baik

Memahami suatu data bukanlah hal yang mudah, itulah mengapa skill berbahasa yang baik juga harus dimiliki.

Kemampuan menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia harus benar-benar mumpuni agar lebih mudah untuk membaca, menulis, dan mengoreksi data.

3. Mengetik dengan cepat dan cermat

Mengetik dengan cepat dan cermat adalah salah satu skill yang harus dimiliki oleh data entry.

Tanpa memiliki skill ini bisa dipastikan kamu akan kesulitan untuk memasukkan data dalam waktu yang singkat.

Selain kecepatan, dalam memasukkan data juga perlu kecermatan. Jika tidak teliti, maka besar kemungkinan data yang dimasukkan bisa salah.

4. Skill komunikasi

Salah satu skill yang diperlukan agar bisa sukses di tempat kerja adalah komunikasi. 

Jika kamu bekerja di kantor pasti akan berhubungan dengan atasan dan kolega secara langsung.

Tanpa memiliki skill komunikasi, tentu akan membuatmu kebingungan saat ingin bertanya jika ada masalah dalam pekerjaan.

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2018

My Spirit Booster. Song : Nujabes - Battlecry

It's been long time i don't review something that about thing that i liked, i can't believe when this task given now it's all about some mood booster song, i have so much song that can be lighten up my mood from pop, rock, jazz, R&B, and hip hop too.

But right now i want to review this song called "Battlecry" by some dj/producer called nujabes. I know this song when i watch an anime called "samurai champloo" that i can say an interesting anime as well filled with so much epic song and epic scene combined as one.


Back to the song i download it and put it on my playlist for chill, but someday i get a down moment when i failed to get something i want and i sit and cry for a moment, this song come to play on my music player and the lyrics "Some days, some nights
Some live, some die" this make me think that sometimes you fail but sometimes you will get success too and i stop cry and listen to this song many times till i get better.

Anyway this song is featured an artist called shing02 that act as a rapper in this song, he so good at this song i even search all his discography and listen to all of them.

I so happy to have this song as my moodbooster song, and see you again at my next post.

Selasa, 03 Juli 2018

Sunfish Go

Wah akhirnya saya mendapat tugas yang agak beda dari yang lain, yaitu untuk menganalis aplikasi penggajian. Hal ini sih memberi saya banyak info baru dan gambaran gimana sih para petinggi memberi gaji dan info penting lainnya.

Sunfish Go merupakan aplikasi besutan DataOn Corporation yang telah berdiri tahun 1999 dan dipercaya oleh 2000 perusahaan dalam membantu masalah sumber daya manusia mereka, disini mereka berfokus pada pemenuhan kebutuhan mengenai manajamen sumber daya manusia agar gampang diakses di mana saja dan kapan saja. Aplikasi ini mengambil beberapa elemen dari sunfish hr, namun membangunnya ulang dari awal.

Ketika membuka aplikasi kita akan dihadapkan dengan halaman ini anda dapat mengisinya dengan username, password dan asal perusahaan, jadi gak bisa asal masuk ><


Karena saya bukan karyawan suatu perusahaan kita akan coba dengan akun uji coba.yang ada


Ada 3 akun dengan role yang berbeda yang anda bisa coba dan mereka berada dalam posisi yang berbeda tiap orangnya, beserta deskripsi apa yang bisa mereka lakukan, disini saya memilih role HR Admin. 

Ketika masuk ke menu awal kita akan langsung diberikan tutorial mengenai apa yang harus kita lakukan disini 

Kita bisa mengklik sidebar untuk melihat fitur yang ada dan ditawarkan oleh aplikasi ini. 

Aplikasi ini sangat user friendly dan terkomposisi dengan baik dan tidak membuat karyawan pusing akan fungsinya. 

Kelebihan aplikasi ini adalah :

- Kelengkapan, keakuratan, dan konsistensi data.
- Keamanan dan kemudahan (user friendly) dalam proses penyajian, peng-inputan, pengolahan, dan pelaporan, serta analisa data sehingga membantu operasional pekerjaan dan pengambilan keputusan.
- Dapat menganalisa dan memonitor kinerja pegawai.
- Dapat mengurangi dan/ atau menghilangkan kesalahan manusia dalam menangani dan memproses data SDM.
- Secara kesuluruhan dapat meningkatkan pelayanan staf divisi SDM terhadap seluruh pimpinan, penasehat, dan pegawai.
- Dapat meningkatkan produktifitas serta menekan biaya operasional SDM.

Kekurangan aplikasi ini sih kayaknya cuma ada beberapa hp yang agak kurang compatible dan mungkin akan di update ke depannya. 

PT. Sumberdaya Dian Mandiri sangat puas dengan aplikasi dan membuat testimoni penggunaan aplikasi ini dengan sangat meyakinkan dan menarik beberapa perusahaan lainnya untuk menggunakan aplikasi ini. 

Aplikasi ini menyimpan database dengan menggunakan database bawaan perusahaan yang terintegrasi dengan cloud serta menggunakan java dalam pembuatan programnya

Sekian analis saya kurang lebih mohon maaf sampai jumpa ><.

Kamis, 19 April 2018

My Favourite App on Android : Fate/Grand Order

Maybe some fans of the anime series called "Fate" already know the existence of this mobile game, yap Fate/Grand Order. After a long time they just do collaboration with other games, finally Fate anime series has its own official game. Fate/Grand Order released by Aniplex Inc. which is also the production house of Fate anime series. This game's gameplay is quite interesting, especially the battle system and equipment, so that even people who initially did not follow the anime series Fate, interested to try this game.

The game itself begin when there's a prediction that will be an extinction of mankind occur in 2019. Players will play as the "Master" who controls a number of "Servants" to explore the past and uncover the mystery and origin of this event, saving the future of mankind of total extinction.

Fate/Grand Order uses the Trading Card Game system as the starting base of this game. The player must collect the strongest card from the gacha system and do the card leveling to strengthen. It may sound generic because almost all mobile games use the same system. But what makes this game interesting is in the battle system.

The battle system in this game is quite complicated compared to the usual mobile games. Before starting the quest, players must set up a party consisting of 6 servants (can be less), 3 servants on the front line (2 servant's that player own, 1 friend's servant), and 3 others as backups if there is one servant at the front line lost at the battle. In the battle itself, on the player's turn, the player can activate various kinds of skill from the servant or skill own player. Skill available is powerful enough, such as making the servant does not receive damage at all for 1 turn or increase damage significantly. Keep in mind that the skill has a long cooldown, so it requires players to wisely activate the skill, let alone the skill is only effect to 1 selected servant only. Each servant also has a special bar called "NP". This bar is filled with a special command, and if it is full, then the servant can issue his special command whenever the player needs it.

Players can choose servant card 3 times, out of 5 card provided every turn (if one servant has a 100% NP bar on top, then there is the addition of 1 command to execute "Special Command" the servant had). The attacking command in this game there are 3 kinds, namely "Buster", "Arts", and "Quick". "Arts", is the basic command for the servant, where the servant will attack and focus to increase NP bar and generate some critical points. "Buster" is a full-blown type of attack, the resulting damage is the greatest among the other two commands, but this command does not increase NP bar and does not generate critical points at all. Last is "Quick", the weakest attack command of all, but every 99% hit generates critical points and increase NP bar, although not as much as "Arts". Not only that, the sequence of commands also affects the effect that occurs, such that if the "Buster" command is placed in the third command, then the resulting damage rate is higher, than if placed in the first command. There is also a "Chain" system, where when a player executes 3 card with the same type of attack or all three card with the same character, in turn it will be given a special effect which may turn the battle condition.

Not enough to increase the complexity of this game. The "advantage" system is also quite complicated, because there's 8 servant type in this game. But do not worry, the pattern is easy to remember, for type "Archer", "Saber" and "Lancer" are in one pool alone, as well as "RIder "," Assassin ", and" Caster ". Exceptions to "Shielder", where this class servant receives and provides a neutral level of damage, as well as "Berserker", gives and receives the maximum damage rate.

Pace of the game itself is quite slow, both for the level of servant and master level, as well as the story progression which gives enough gap between one episode with other episodes, requires players to raise the master level and strengthen its servant. To maximize servant and master development, every day there is a weekly event quest, to earn money, upgrade material, and to maximize master's own level.

So, Start interested in trying this game? Wait a minute! Check out your smartphone specs, is it eligible? Because this game itself is quite heavy and quite wasteful battery (using Criware 3D Engine)

- Android 4.1 and up
- Smartphone or Tablet PC with 2GB of RAM and up
- Intel CPU is not supported

Already eligible to the specifications? It's time to download this game.It never hurts to try to play Fate/Grand Order.


My Favourite Mobile Platform and Why I Like It

Android operating system is now the top choice of various leading smartphone vendors in the world such as Samsung or Sony. Various advanced features are offered and its stable performance is the main key for vendors to use the Android operating system on it's phone. However, Android that we now know is used by various brands of smartphones on the market, actually has experienced various levels. In the sense that, since the beginning of its emergence, there has been a lot of improvisation developed by Google for its flagship operating system.

The history of the development of the Android operating system begin from the launch of the Android Alpha version in November 2007. Then, followed by Android version 1.0 released around September 2008. Until issued version 1.1, Android has no specific naming as it is now. Just after version 1.5 came out, in April 2009, Google started naming this operation system with the names of food as we know until now

Android versi 1.5 (Cupcake)
Android Cupcake marks the appearance of the Android operating system commercially. This version also at the same time Google rumored to make name of his Android version to use the names of food in alphabetical order. In this version, Android actually already has a variety of basic features such as Android is widely used in the market to date. Features such as widgets, auto-rotate, and virtual keybord already exist in this version. Starting as the first version on the market, Android Cupcake can be said as the 'base' of the Android operating system itself.

Android versi 1.6 (Donut)
Not long after the launch of the previous version, Android version 1.6 finally released, which is around September 2009. The appearance of Android Donut provides additional features of previous versions. In this version, the smartphone has got support for CDMA networks, text to voice machines, and battery usage indicators. In addition, Google also improvised, especially in terms of user convenience when doing searching with faster browser support.

Android versi 2.0 – 2.1 (Eclair)
Still in the year 2009, Google finally re-released the latest version of Android called Android Eclair. In addition to a massive addition of more feature in terms of user experience, in this version of Android also has additional features, especially in terms of cameras, namely the addition of color effects, focus, and flash.

Android versi 2.2 (Froyo)
This android version can be said as the version of Android become popular in Indonesia. At that time, Android Froyo began to be used by major vendors such as Samsung to reach a wider market, including in Indonesia. In the Android version of Froyo, there are additional significant features, such as USB Tethering, Wi-Fi Hotspot, and also push notification as we use today.

Android versi 2.3 (Gingerbread)
At end of 2010, this version was just come . This version was make selfie become easy to do. Selain itu, Android Gingerbread mark the implementaion of Near Field Communication (NFC) on android.

Android versi 3.0 (Honeycomb)
Android Honeycomb come on February  2011. This version wasn't popular cause was it was often on tablet but people that time more use smartphone. This version is have elegant and futuristic design and that was cool

Android versi 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
This version just make google more popular and it's mark google development on android more often to do. User interface more good and easy for user to do much thing. One of version that make android name rocket.

Android versi 4.1 (Jelly Bean)
Version 4.0. Are stable on it's time and 4.1 are more focused on security it's more safe for you and your phone.

Android versi 4.4 (KitKat
Come out on 2013 this version more focused on experience of it's user. This version too make some application need spesific requirement to run on this platform. This version was so popular and more phone was based os was on this version

Android versi 5.0 (Lollipop)
As far as i know material design was implemented in this version. More bug was repaired so it more stable than before.

Android 6.0 (Marshmallow)
Many feature from past version developed more serious and more feature are added so it have more function. What more mark the development of this version is there's more spectacular feature as Doze, fingerprint sensor, and multi-window.

Android 7.0 (Nougat)
Not so much smartphone have this version as far as i know.. This version come out on August 2016. In this version multi window feature just being optimized and more fiture implemented from past version.

Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

Review Tentang Mie Ayam Enak!

2 weeks ago i have been tasked to do some review about "Culinary" and me feel like "wow so happy to know it" because i like to eating and delicious food is a mood booster to me XD.

After went to some food stand to look most delicious food to review. Finally such a good day i have been through after eating some delicious food in margonda and i want to review the most delicious food. That was "Mie Ayam Berkat"

Personally i like to eat noodles with good flavour, and this mie ayam kinda make me addicted right now. Anyway the place not only have mie ayam on the menu so don't worry if you want another food

I ordered the trademark "mie ayam berkat" cause i want to know what the different from the usual. After i have one good swallow wow such a good combination, the chicken is real deal, the noodle and it's sauce make the chicken taste so delicious. 

Anyway this place have a good service, the waiter are responsive and polite when communicate, and it's not long for me to have my order on the table. 

The price is good atleast for me, good portion too make me almost full after eat in here and the drink is awesome too. 

I recommend you to go here so you can feel this delicious food and you won't dissapoint i guarantee! 

Address : Margonda Raya No. 504 Depok 

Kamis, 15 Maret 2018

My Review on Guilty Crown

Type: TV
Episodes: 22
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Oct 14, 2011 to Mar 23, 2012
Premiered: Fall 2011
Broadcast: Fridays at 01:15 (JST)
Producers: AniplexDentsuMovicFuji TVFuji Pacific Music Publishing
Licensors: Funimation
Studios: Production I.G
Source: Original
Genres: ActionSci-FiSuper PowerDramaRomance
Duration: 24 min. per ep.
Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity)

It’s been very long time for me not writting update in my blog, but in this semester I given such a wonderful task from my lecturer to write some review of theme that I like to do and that is “Movie”.

After I searching in my list of movie that I had in my laptop, there’s interesting movie that I’ve not seen and take my interest to watch it it’s called “Guilty Crown”. After minutes of watch i amaze at world that this film displayed. Japan has been almost completely destroyed by a virus that going through Tokyo. After the incident, Japan has become of a dystopian mess under the surface of the nice public face they have. The virus, continues to destroy humanity with little hope of ending.  

The main protagonist, Shu (CV: Yuki Kaji ), is a normal teenager who falls into the conflict between the government in this dystopia world and rebel group Funeral Parlor. After sometime, he got some super power after had been injected with a viral drug that gives him the power to retrieve a physical manifestation of a person's "heart" by reaching into their chest. The world, while fantastical in nature, is carefully conceived such that the suspension of disbelief can cover most problems.


This show starts out like pretty standard anime fanfare and by the time you reach the plot shift I've mentioned, it systematically rips you to pieces. Not just because you feel betrayed by what you're seeing on screen, but because the plot justifies the change in a way. I found myself reluctantly agreeing sometimes, thus making me feel like a horrible person. It is very difficult to induce that sort of self loathing in the viewer of all people.

As the plot continues, it explores some very enticing themes surrounding the usual coming-of-age story. I can't say I've seen a show tackle such a dark way of evolving a character in this way. There probably has been, but I've never seen it. The plot is extremely effective at showing Shu as he goes through the trials the series forces on him. He might not be the most relatable character sometimes, but you can always understand why he does what he does, even if his reasoning is flawed.

The Bad:

This series can be absolutely “depressing”. This isn't a bad thing for myself, but it might not work well with people of the more  “always get carried away” one. You should not watch this series when your mood is not in a good one, DO NOT. This depression manifests when the usually predictable plot goes full psycho on you and  you can’t  withstand  the tense that come to you.

On another note, people might be a bit displeased with the absurdity of some things in the series. The apocalypse virus is the unobtainium of this universe and it fuels every facet of the show from the protagonist's power to the strange crystals that appear. This mystical element just sort of needs to be accepted at face value for the plot to move on.

Furthermore, Mana being infected with the virus and becoming a creepy raging psycho-socio-path is compelling, but it makes little-to-no sense. This ties into the absurdity of the overarching "natural selection" plot, which in-and-of-itself is pretty bonkers.

Speaking of characters, this series is a bit short in the character department, although not for lack of trying. Most of the supporting cast gets barely any introduction and  they don't get a back story, which makes them difficult to relate with. The main cast gets enough, but even then  the protagonist, Shu, can be difficult to relate with when it is critical for the viewer to do so. As such, sometimes it feels a bit hallow when the characters do make choices.

Throughout the series there’s few times where characters do something that seems totally off-the-wall nuts (this usually ends badly for everyone). Some of the decisions that characters make in the series still hard to believe at least to me.

The Verdict:

Guilty Crown has presented so good and beautifully conceived that usually is a bad thing from a rushed and predictable plot series. The characters introduction is not to rushed on an episode and for me it’s good thing because kinda confuse too sometimes watch a series with so much character and most of them is just complementary and only use to make good scene when advancing the serial plot. The world is well conceived, but it relies on this universe's unobtainium for everything. I didn't find this a problem, but some people may get boring by the seemingly all-powerful virus that does everything.

This is a series to people that like to watch a main character's journey from zero to hero . Most of the beauty of the series lies in the evolution of the lowly protagonist Shu into a "hero", as it were. The trials he face are fantastical and unreal, but his reactions to them are very real. Sometimes he do unnecessary thing, but sometimes i think it’s really hard choice and I don’t know what to do if  i were faced with what he was. The popular colloquialism for this series would definitely be, "It isn't the destination that counted, it was the path taken to reach it". Shu's path is certainly a compelling one.